Quatrième génération de vignerons propriétaires de leurs vignes. Nous travaillons dans notre exploitation familiale de 20 hectares dans le respect des traditions.

Domaine Roger Pabiot

Rigorous work to meet quality requirements, while listening to the vine Requirement and sensibility Qui sommes-nous ? Nos valeurs familiales et notre savoir-faire sont un précieux héritage transmission and passion Knowledge of the terroir and observation of the vine are key elements for an authentic expression Purity and typicality L’essence même de nos vins Fruity and fresh Winning duo forming a microclimate with the services of a characteristic geology Terroir and Loire Eco-grazing, recycling and organic viticulture are fully integrated into our practices sustainable development

Our vineyard


Known as « « Pauliacum super fluvium ligerim », literally « Paul’s estate on the banks of the Loire », the vineyards of Pouilly-sur-Loire havn’t ceased growing since the 5th century. Year after year, nutured by the proximity of the river Loire, the Chasselas and Sauvignon blanc varietals have been grown in the vineyards In 1937, the founding of the Appellation d’Origine Contrôlé « Pouilly-Fumé » marks the beginning of the era of the Sauvignon blanc grape variety which is also known as « Blanc Fumé » ; literally « smokey white ». The Chasselas, the historic grape variety of the vineyards of Pouilly also bears an AOC label « Pouilly-sur-Loire ».
The « Blanc Fumé et the traditional Chasselas enjoy a worldwide reputation for elegant, fruity expressive wines

Our story

This is a family story linked to that of the vineyards where generations of winegrowers have followed one another with a legacy of passion and love for this land.



Pauline is the fifth generation of passionate independant wine-growers. She has been responsable for introducing a new approach and guiding the estate towards more environmentally-friendly wine growing practices by obtaining an important label called HVE 3 (high environmental value level 3)

A family story


In the Spring the vines came back to life after the period of winter rest. However this awakening coincided with a period of heavy frost which caused the loss of 50% of the buds. The weather remained poor for the best part of the year with a rain and overcast conditions. Despite these adversities, the vines continued to flourish. Unfortunately, the vineyards were then hit by a severe hailstorm so that when harvest time came, the quality of the grapes was very good but only 25% of the grapes remained to be harvested. So, after a difficult and very trying year, the decision was made to make the transition to all organic wine growing practices.

Range of wines



Coteau des Girarmes




From the earth to the stars


A family legacy

From grandfather to granddaughter

Pauline is the 5th generation of wine grower

Pauline Pabiot

They talk about us

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