Quatrième génération de vignerons propriétaires de leurs vignes. Nous travaillons dans notre exploitation familiale de 20 hectares dans le respect des traditions.

Our philosophy

HomeOur philosophy

Le vignoble

Known as “Pauliacum super fluvium ligerim“, the Pouilly-sur-Loire vineyard has continued to grow since the 5th century. From the Benedictines to the kings, the wines of Pouilly have forged their reputation. Over the years, the vineyard developed Chasselas and White Sauvignon where fruitiness and minerality were their typical characteristics.
In 1937, the creation of the ’AOC “Pouilly-Fumé” marked the beginning of the era of Sauvignon called “Blanc Fumé”.

Chasselas, the vineyard’s historic grape variety, was also awarded its AOC “Pouilly-sur-Loire” the same year.
The “Blanc Fumé” and the historic Chasselas are renowned as fruity, expressive and fine white wines throughout the world.

surface cépage

Nos valeurs

Exploitation familiale à échelle humaine

For 4 generations, the know-how and history of the vineyard have been passed down from father to son. Today, the fifth generation is embodied by Pauline, who symbolises modernity and a contemporary vision of viticulture.
We attach real importance to the well-being of our teams and to ensuring that everyone finds meaning in their missions.

Agriculture en conversion bio

Being a winemaker requires a great sense of observation: climate, plant evolution, soil characteristics. The rhythm of the vine guides us every day.
Choosing organic farming is a response to climate issues and our quality requirements. We began this transition in 2021, then obtained certification in 2024.

Respect de l'expression des terroirs

Our wines are produced in a plot-by-plot manner: vinification is carried out by terroir (flint, limestone, clayey sand) in order to allow the full expression of each of them. Before bottling, we proceed with the blends in order to find the best balance.

  • The “Coteau des Girarmes” vintage reveals the roundness and fruitiness of the pebbled, clay-limestone and clayey sand terroirs.
  • The Silex comes from a single plot. We reserve this cuvée for the best vintages, in order to benefit from the full expression of its characteristic minerality.
  • “From Earth to Stars”, it’s instinct that speaks! It’s a myriad of little things that make it subtle. In particular, tasting the musts allows you to select the one with the best potential. Two winemaking techniques will then be used: fermentation in barrels and in ovoid vats. Finally, the two processes are combined to reveal the best of this original vintage.
Recherche constante d'innovation

Always interested in advances in research, both on plants and on soil life, we regularly carry out tests in the field such as green fertilizers; agroforestry, eco-grazing, etc.


Une histoire de famille liée à celle du vignoble où les générations se succèdent avec pour héritage la passion et l’amour pour ce terroir.

Les débuts

XIX siècle

L'histoire commença au 19eme siècle avec Gustave puis son fils, Roger. Ensemble ils fondent le domaine petit à petit.

vigne bio
Une histoire de famille


Les fils, Gérard et Bernard se joignent à leur père dans l'aventure familiale dans le respect des traditions et du terroir.

Un renouveau


Pauline, marque la cinquième génération de vigneron indépendant passionné. Elle a inscrit, aujourd'hui, le domaine dans une nouvelle dynamique.

Une culture raisonnée


En 2019, le domaine acquiert la certification HVE 3 (Haute valeur environnementale niveau 3) qui lui permet de mettre en avant ses efforts.


The vineyard covers 24 hectares, some of which are centuries old. Facing the hillsides overlooking the Loire, the vines benefit from a unique microclimate that gives our wines their typical character..
The vines extend over the emblematic terroirs of the appellation: sandy terraces, flint clays and hard limestone.
Sustainable viticulture has always been an obvious choice for the exploitation of our land: stopping herbicides, working the soil, respectful pruning, treatments of organic origin are an integral part of our practices.
In the cellar, the wines are carefully crafted, some with indigenous yeast, respecting the terroirs. From classic stainless steel vats to wooden barrels (“500L tuns”), including ovoid vats, each container has its own particularity, bringing complexity to our wines.
Do not hesitate to come and discover our univers, we will be pleased to welcome you in our estate, to taste our wines and discover our philosphy.
Si If you want to stay a little longer to discover our vineyard, « la rose des vignes », wich can accomodate up to 8 pers.
